In a cease the F.A.Q. doesn't answer your question please send your message using the form located in Contact section.
How to get access to LearnPublic.Cloud?
To get access to LearnPublic.Cloud you need to attend one of the classes (on-site or online) delivered by LearnPublic.Cloud instructors. The access will be granted to you automatically when a class starts.
How long will i have access to the site?
The access to the site is not limited by time. You can login whenever you want as long as you attended any of the courses delivered by LearnPublic.Cloud instructors.
Is the LearnPublic.Cloud free?
Yes. We grant you access permissions to the site if you are a valid and confirmed student of the courses delivered by LearnPublic.Cloud instructors.
What should I do if my email has changed?
If you have changed an email address that was used during a course you still should be fine using it when login to LearnPublic.Cloud site. In a case you want to change the email to new please contact Us.
Do you send any communication using email address used to login to the site?
No. We don't send any communication to you. All updates and changes are published as notes on the LearnPublic.Cloud site in retricted access section.
Do you have a question or maybe you just want to share with Us your thoughts?
Please fill the form and we will contact you as soon as possible. Please remember to provide your email address. Without the email we will not be able to reply.